Saturday, January 21, 2012

I left work at noonish yesterday, since I had so many extra hours from Wednesday.  Took a nap and then laid around a bit through the evening, accomplishing very little.  As a result, I figured I needed to do something today.  So, up I've been for a few hours - the new snow (about 3 inches of heavier stuff) is cleaned from the front walk, the floors are vacuumed, the bathroom is clean(er), some dusting is done... but more importantly my tummy is full of nom-a-licious pork chops and garlicy-asparagus and a batch of brownies are made to share during an Underworld marathon.

I'm trying to swing myself out of another bit of a funk.  Again, just keep going through the motions, keep your head down, and shut up - right?  But that is so unfulfilling and I am not getting any younger.  I wish I had the nerve.

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