Monday, July 04, 2011

Another bag of sorted out garbage is outside, the vacuum is ran, and a mom is visited. It was a pretty uneventful 4th of July. I was bawling half the way down the mountain after a bird clipped my car. Two of them popped up from the side of the road, one swerved up successfully, the other turned to the left. I didn't see it happen, but I did hear the slight thump near the windshield. Poor birdy. I felt awful thinking of him probably unconscious with a broken wing and likely waiting for a car to finish him off. I'm just too much of a bleeding heart for animals.

So, tomorrow I have to go back to that place again. *sigh* I'd give anything to not be there, subjected to my stomach being in knots and my heart aching. I've at least made one mental decision today on the drive home - yes, a game plan for those big decisions that I've struggled with. Let's see how fate plays out with my decision.

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