Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tried the thundershirt again today, as we have lovely weather. Epic fail. The girls ended up in an epic battle in the back yard. I've got a nice welt on my arm from Saffy scratching me in her attempts to get back in there when I picked her up out of the melee. Her ear got boogered again, and Vixen took a bit of a pounding from the both of them, but doesn't appear to be ripped up. *sigh* This evening Vixen is quiet and reclusive, too bad I couldn't accomplish that without the squabble that took place.

Not sure what happened, as it broke loose when I was working at the side of the house. I suspect someone bumped into her as they were all jockeying for position to see me there on the side of the house. So can't win. I wonder if a mild sedation would chill Vix out.

So, yea, I busted some tail today, but did sleep in! Another evening out front and I think all will be done out there. The rest of the leaves are raked up, the bulbs and rose bushes are all in the grounds, the flower seeds are spread, and the mulch has been spread, although I need some additional, but that's the EASY part. I gave up on Home Depot getting the black rubber mulch in and instead picked up red rubber mulch. I even got distracted and cleaned out the floors in the cars, and put in Drake's new mats. All typed out that doesn't seem like much, but if you ask my body it'll tell you how involved it all was.

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