Sunday, April 17, 2011

Had my Easter with mom this weekend, since I had a party in Altoona on Saturday night. Needless to say, that slowed me down on things around here. At least I caught the wee bit of decent weather we had the other day to finish up the mulch out front. Vixen stayed home, and I had our pet sitter visit with her several times. At least this way we had a more peaceful visit. Danika and Safyre enjoyed their visit with grammy, but were ready to come home today. I feel bad, Vix was ready to go somewhere when we got back. I guess next visit she gets to go by herself.

Caught up with Mithy on Friday night briefly too and got he caught up on some of this and that. I can't argue with her thoughts about this area making finding a quality date such a challenge, but I can't just box up and haul ass. Even if I did, if I found myself still struggling to find a date, that may cost me the last scrap of my sanity and worth.

Do I really have to go back to work tomorrow? It just puts some things too in my face.

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