Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ok, I didn't keep up the pace, but more IS off the list. I wrapped about half of the Christmas gifts that are sitting upstairs and moved some things around in that room to clean it up a little. I also got those bed sheets into the wash.

From there I had to shower and get ready to head to my uncle's for dinner, where the customary Tomlinson obscenely large Sunday meal slowed me down tremendously. It was good, that's part of the problem - I'm still full, and I've been home for an hour.

Hopefully with another 1/2 an hour of reckless abandon (translated: plopped on the couch watching TV with the computer in hand and a dog laying at my side) will give me the needed motivation to finish the tidying I want to accomplish in the dining room, kitchen, and bedroom before bed - then I can vacuum tomorrow after work, before "the visit". I wish I could just sit down and read all evening.

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