Saturday, August 21, 2010

When I am queen...
  • You'll be allowed to pull people over that piss you off and subjugate them for their sins. For me, this means I can stop every idiot who chucks a cigarette butt out their car window and make them eat it. Why do people not see that as "litter"?
  • You'll get one murder with no repercussions in your lifetime. You can decide who really needs some killin and make it so, however, once you've used your free pass that's it! Think about it - it would make people act differently. Ok, killing someone prb would never go over, so how's this - free ass kickings for those who do something to deserve it. Again, I will maintain full discretion as to what qualifies as needing a good ass whippin.
  • Breeding would be limited by my testing system. Everyone takes a test and qualifies for a certain number of children they're allowed to have. If you are with someone who qualified for 1 and you qualified for 2, sorry - you can only have the 1 w/ that person. If they already had their 1 with someone else, again, sorry.
  • This one prb requires god-like status as opposed to queen, but I think that if you know someone who makes your stomach jump into your throat and makes you swoon with desire it is only fair if that is a guarantee they feel the same way about you.
  • Workplaces will have nap areas that you are allowed to use (on the clock) for up to an hour every afternoon.
  • You will pay into your own unemployment and only your unemployment. There is no reason why I should pay for others to ride unemployment and be limited to a paltry amount of cash for a short period of time when I've put way more into it. Don't even get me started on welfare.

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