Sunday, June 13, 2010

Well, I didn't get a ton done today other than laundry... 2 loads at mom's and 2 here. But that's something, right? Headed to toona with the intention of buying mom some exceedingly late birthday lunch but she wasn't feeling so hot. So instead, I picked up some food and headed in.

It was pretty friggin hot today. Told you I'd be complaining about it. I turned on the AC to make the house reasonable for myself and the fuzzy ones. When I got home I worked up a sweat just trying to get some new bird paraphernalia up in the trees. Epic fail on the bird house as the hook that was built in promptly came out thus resulting in the bird house falling a good 20 feet. It survived the first drop, but the second one resulted in part of it breaking off. *sigh* Such is life eh?

I've got to cross some things off of the list tomorrow. It's going to be a long day.

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