Saturday, April 10, 2010

The end of my week was just as busy as the start, but I did get to Walmart for the slides and had the last, older slide of my mother at another place. I can't even put into words how amazing it is to have these photos. They never existed to my knowledge and now here they are - my dad smiling at me. I've truly been blessed. Ya know, my dad was pretty damn handsome... and mom was smokin. Even more joyous is hearing the things that cousins and other family members have had to say after seeing these photos on facebook. Thank you for bringing me your memories too.

This morning I didn't have a ton of time before I needed to get ready to head to Kathy and Mark's wedding! Many blessings to the newlyweds. I don't know too many people who deserve to find the happiness you had on your face today Kathy, and thank you for giving me another splash of hope that I'd find someone I love that much again someday.

I can still call today productive too, which was probably inspired by the short amount of time I had. The mulch is laid out near where it needs spread, the house if vacuumed (ugh, how overdue was I on that), the basement is cleaned up again, the dishwasher is full of clean dishes, and I even got my hair freshly washed, dried, and curled. Tonight I think perhaps I'll relax and maybe do some reading. I finished the latest Merry Gentry book from Laurel and ... meh. Now, as the inverse to 90 Minutes in Heaven I will be taking in 23 Minutes in Hell.

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