Monday, January 25, 2010

I half slept last night because of the incessant running of the sump pump in the basement under my bedroom. It was a concession I was willing to make, just happy it was running – every 11 minutes – every 9 minutes – every 7 minutes… you get the pattern. There is a lot of water right now as everything melts off.

Unfortunately, when I went to the basement this morning there was water on the far side. My heart sunk expecting to open the garage door to a flood. Since that didn't happen I guess I'm lucky, but I did find the one sump pump in the garage full and not running. I tried what I know to do, which included pulling out the backup sump pump, but it too did nothing – just sat there. So I spent part of my morning in an emotional tizzy - Why me? Why can't it ever be stuff I can deal with on my own? Why did God chose for me to be father-less, brother-less, and husband-less? Why did he make me so weak but yet make me appear to the rest of the world so strong? It's not who I really am and it chaps me.

Right when I've decided to buckle down on some things I'm forced to go buy yet another sump pump – a chunk of change I did not want to spend for something that will probably only work for a couple of years (that is how long it has been since the dead pump was put in).

Therefore, I hauled in this morning in order to not miss meetings only to find one was moved. Then I've got the requisite asshole who doesn't understand policy and fights me when I tell him to badge in behind me and the people who criticize the rooms selected to have meetings in. After last week's triple bump on what rooms I could reserve and my pre-existing mood this morning – I don't want to hear it. I've had my dose of foul...

I was finally starting to settle down and put on the big girl panties to just cope with the bullshit situation by lunch time. I decided to head out to home depot, snag a new pump, head home to band aid the situation, and try to get back to work. Uh huh. Plan didn't last much beyond the point where I turned the ignition and nothing happened. Are you kidding karma? I didn't piss in your wheaties no need to poo in mine!

Instead Beff was kind enough to run me to the depot for said pump and to commiserate with some grub since I was starting to get shakey anyhow. After lunch I tossed the pump into the semi-dead vehicle (the door locks on the door won't work but the dome light comes on) and headed back in to my desk hoping that Vixen wasn't swimming - she'd SO never forgive me for that.

Here I am at home, it's not even 7pm but things are back in order. The car just needed a jump, which got me to advanced to snag a new battery. From there I came home with the new sump pump and started to tinker around on the old one and got it running. I'm not counting it healthy, but it's running right now, so that's at least good. Most of the water that was inside was dried up or receeded by the time I got home, win number three for the evening. Unfortunately, when the sump pump started running again the dogs were out back. Have I mentioned how enthralled they are with the shooting water and the resulting mudpit? yea. Muddy, wet, stinky, dogs. I might be sleeping alone tonight. One thing for sure - I need a drink.

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