Monday, September 07, 2009

What a weekend... there was relaxing and watching movies, a great hand helping me get the stumps out, rainy weather that prevented me from actually putting the flowers in the ground after the stumps were out, some lunch and shopping with Slips, a trip to the theatre to see Halloween 2, a run to Toona town with some excellent grub off the grill, a fixed pressure washer, yummy eggplant gratin from veggies that Rex's rent's sent me, and horror and tears.

Where to start my expounding? Ok, let's get the trauma over with. So on my way back out of Toona town I stopped at Uncle R's to pick up my pressure washer (thank you Uncle Ronnie!) While there he's got ahold of Saffy and by some odd split second shift in weight - click! - the leash ends up off of her and ... poof. So here I am out in ja-bib, my dog is heading towards the woods. I was bawling and horrified and just praying that someone found her, even if they stole her ... anything, just God forbid she ended up hit by a car. After a good 20-30 minutes of hyperventalating my cell phone rings. Someone up the road who knows my Aunt and Uncle snagged her. All told, my baby is safe and laying by me zonked out from her jaunt (and probably the subsequent bath).

Halloween 2. Oh my. I have a very high tollerance. Very little shocks me in horror films. This flick actually had me cringe a few times. Very extreme. Granted at one point I did think 'geez, how many times can we do the sitting in a car and the windows get smashed out' scene, but I still enjoyed the flick. Also amusingly noteworthy is the upcoming release of Saw VI. Eesh.

It's 10pm, I'm pooped... and I need to try to blow dry Saffy. Let's see how well THIS goes over! G'night world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quick, someone get the defibrillator! Next time you tell me there is something emotional to read from the weekend on your blog please, please also inform me that it was scary as hell but is now ok…I know I stopped breathing and I think my heart stopped for a time. I’m so very happy that Sappy is ok *wipes off tears* Give her hugs and kisses for me…make that a round for all the girls!

~ Beff