Thursday, November 06, 2008

For those that are concerned, don't be. I'm fine... I don't know if I cried so hard because (once again) I saw it coming, because I should have had enough balls to be the one to need to talk first, or because of the symbolism. If one man can chose not love me after spending eight years with me then I can't be shocked by someone never developing real feelings after a year.

I know there are other prospects on the horizon, probably ones that are moreso what I should be looking for, but still in my mind I start to pick apart the plot before the story is even written. It's funny how the book I read while out to lunch ON MY OWN today was about fear and how everything comes back to fear. I won't even begin to list my fears here, not now, I think they are something I need to face alone in my mind before allowing them to surface to the world.

For now, watching Danika frolic in the back yard w/ a new friend will be comforting.

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