Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Things are finally coming together on several fronts that have drug on for quite a while:

1. The pink diamond: a new diamond, a bit smaller but way higher quality has replaced the one that had a bit of an issue. The good news is it will fit in the existing ring/setting that I already bought!

2. The porch: I had my meeting with Richland Twp this evening and was granted a variance to the front property line setback! As such, I will be able to get my exterior work underway in the near term and that beautiful new front door will see the light of day.

3. The paper: I have some assemblance of content at this point, but we all know my pattern - I take as long as I have and fret the whole time.

4. The approach: I didn't mention it from this past weekend, for fear I might jinx it, but I'm getting warm vibes from someone I pondered as an option the last time I saw them. I guess we'll see how things go this coming weekend.

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