Sunday, October 26, 2008

I've officially reached an all time low - I am even putting off things I WANT to do. I had wanted to go see Saw V yesterday, but allowed my nap to linger and then just vegged finishing additional loads of laundry instead. Today, the thought was fleeting, heck I couldn't even work up the motivation to throw in a DVD that I want to watch, but I did get all of the laundry away, vacuuming complete, and module 7 submitted.

Now what? Why if I am looking for things to do in the realms of cleaning am I not embracing the thoughts that continue to float through my head? I could get my butt on the treadmill, but no. Maybe I could buckle in and get the spare room organized, but no. I'll blame it on being semi-pmsy and just go chase the dogs around the yard for a bit. The sun is out after all, that's pretty rare.

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