Saturday, August 02, 2008

Another wedding today - luckily the last one I have on my plate this year. Hopefully it won't get warmer in the next couple of hours, as this is an outdoor one.

Earlier this week I did make an attempt to clean the gutters out back. I say attempt because I failed miserably. I really really tried to force myself up onto the roof to handle the full length, but I just couldn't let go of the ladder and chuck myself up there. I don't have the right ladder here right now, so I wasn't even able to get across the entire one along the deck. Booo.

Last night was Kirkus' going away shindig, but unbeknownst to me it was another celebration and the young professionals get together as well. I damn near had a panic attack at the number of people there and just wanted out. I didn't stick around long, but instead treated myself to a quick dinner at the Bouly. It's barely afternoon on Saturday and my weekend is already all about stress. What the hell is my dealio?

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