Tuesday, July 22, 2008

As an old elementary school mate that I just recently found again on Facebook would say... "Figgers, darn, crud." Last night I ordered another comforter as a birthday gift for myself. After all, I only hunted HOW FRIGGIN LONG to find a comforter in gray and pink a while back. Grr. Once again I pick colors, I hunt roughly for forever and finally find something approximating my desires, and the next season they mass produce my color scheme. Bastages.

I'm pretty tired today, but my attempts to nap after work were futile. Despite things slowing down with work my mind is still going 100 miles a minute and in two different directions. Good news - semi bad news for my overworked mind - I did get things straightened out with my class and I am, at last, registered for additional graduate studies through Michigan State U. Ha! If I can't get (worthwhile) dates at least I'll be too busy for them anyhow.

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