Sunday, February 17, 2008

We can call this one "the Princess and the Crooked Pea". Nothing pisses me off more than the inability of a bed to stay firmly on the frame... needless to say this is an ongoing theme in my life. From the gawd awful thing the ex and I first used which would suddenly drop us to the ground in the middle of the night (talk about dreaming of falling) to my current bed/frame which seems to have developed the issue since returning to PA. Yes, I've been putting up with this crap for four years now.

Tonight it has reached an all time pain in the ass peak. Thus, here I am at 1:30 in the morning ready to start eyeballing frames etc on overstock and other places.
I love my bed, still, after over 10 years with this "headboard". Yes, in a previous fit I looked where we bought it and learned I could buy a new frame for it... but would that really solve my issues? I'll probably remain awake for half of the night wondering if I should take the plunge, and if I do... should I suck it up and upgrade to a queen sized bed? Ugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes...go queen...I recommend it! I LOVE my new bed :)

~ Beff