Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Threshold reached. I'm done crying. No matter how sad it may make me to have a strong desire to be near someone that pushes me back - It's not any more my fault than it is theirs that I'm ready for a relationship and they are not.

I am one hell of a catch and I know it... I've worked damn hard to get where I am. It's time to get my ass in gear - and to force the issue - I did it, I joined one of those matching websites. Desperate perhaps, but it beats inaction and waiting around for someone that doesn't seem to want to be waited for. I have no hard feelings - hell, if I can still say some part of me loves the ex, how could I have hard feelings because someone went through a shitty series of relationships before I met them that tainted their current view on the world. If anything, I hate their exes for chewing them up and spitting them out.

Bring on the old weirdos. Perhaps somewhere in the haystack I'll find a quality date or two.

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