Wednesday, September 26, 2007

By the time I wiped out last night I didn't think I could possibly put one more morsel in my mouth. But... let me tell you what a fun evening I had! I was just going to chill at the house all night waiting for the fantasy hockey draft, but alas, the rest of the world had other plans for me.

After making a quick transport run for ... well damn, I guess I haven't given you a nickname yet - I'll work on that ... I got the call to grab sushi w/ Rex. I even got picked up and chauffeured around in the sex-mobile! BACK to the Corners for the second night in a row, but on Monday I had a burger. I figured I could grub fast and be back in time, no problem. Before I knew it Rex decided to fetch some computer equipment and set me up to function right from the bar. A couple of well-mixed drinks, some sushi, my own dessert, and several bites of Rex's dessert later - OOF.

I think I gave everyone a good laugh as I smack talked and hardcore-hockey-chic spouted during the draft. Go figure - last pick first round, but on a cool note it gave me two picks right in a row each pass. Needless to say I'm heavy on Canes (I am more aware of their play and skills). I managed to snag both Staal brothers and... as much as I loathe him, I buckled and drafted the cocksmokerTM. Miller is back in my net again this year and I also pulled Kipper. We'll see how it goes. It should be more interesting doing head-to-head games than it was last year. First up for a whippin from my boys... Vuke. Bring it you baseball junkie!

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