Monday, August 27, 2007

Triumph! Yes, it has come to me rejoicing in small things like managing to rig the crate to prevent Danika's escape, at least this one time. Not only that but no accident! If she corrolates the amount of praise she received I am sure we're on our way to a perfect angel - quite the departure from the dog who started to rip up the basement door yesterday *sigh*

I'll give her this, I started to contimplate Danika's intelligence further when she took a strike that even Satin didn't come up with, opening the top container of food. This is easily resolved by fastening the door as was the lower container for the past 5 or 6 years, but it does leave me wondering did Satin not think to go after the top container or was this just way too much effort by her estimation?

Now, to find my motivation - perhaps it is at the bottom of a nice cool mixed drink!

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