Sunday, December 17, 2006

If I count last evening as Christmas number 2, then tonight was Christmas number 3 - with Beff and the Slipster. We exchanged gifts and a few rumor worthy tidbits. I can't wait to see things come to fruition. *grin* Once again these two were too good to me. I'm now the proud owner of my very own bright red ex knife set, pictured here, oh, fond memories of you dear one. I am very pleasantly surprised how nice the knives are that are included with this, and the holder is magnetized, so they won't fly every which way if I tip the booger over.

I also got Jay and Silent Bob do Degrassi, a Chemical Brothers CD, a couple of books, my long lusted after NHL chess set, and a replacement tube of the awesome color Mary Kay lipstick that was destroyed during the Quest on the last cruise. Slippy even cooked for us... and it rawked. This was a nice way to spend the evening after feeling a bit off due to a mead headache, a bit too little sleep, and 6+ hours of grading assignments and waiting for tests to come back in.

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