Sunday, July 30, 2006

I slept a little too late to hit church this morning. I've been a bit of a slacker in that realm lately. Shame on me. But I did get ready and get out to Vanessa's bridal shower. As the queen of the camera I am at least guaranteed to not be _in_ the photos, so I'm happy. I just hope I got enough decent shots since I was unfamiliar with the camera i was using.

From there I changed, fed the water based and fuzzy based beasts, and headed to my uncles for dinner. Most definitely the best filet mignon I've had in ages. While the elders gathered for their smoke *rolls eyes* I chatted with cousin Darren for a while. We're both old. Back to the whole smoking thing, that is truly dedication. To leave the nice cool air conditioning to sit outside, sweating one's ass off for the sake of a freakin cigarette.

Back home and I tossed in a movie to appease mother. I'll be sleeping in my own bed this evening, thank goodness. The disrupted sleep from the past two nights has me a bit off.

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