Thursday, May 18, 2006

An hour and a half and I know nothing. That's time well spent.

On another note, I think I mentioned that the makers of Men's Health finally pulled together a Women's Health magazine, which I subscribed to. Well lil' ol' me is published again thanks to them, ok it's only a letter to the editor but still. I couldn't resist but point out that in their "perfect pet" article they forgot to discuss rescue organizations. Of course this just gets my mind cooking on other articles that would be well suited there and gets my ideas turning through my head. I know I missed my calling.

I guess that's no worse than answering "Where do you want to be in 5 years Judy?" With "working for the Carolina Hurricanes".

Strangest and most complimentary question ever this morning! Casey and Vanessa asked me to be in their big shindig! Know that phrase always the bridesmaid never the bride? Well, that doesn't even fit. This would only be the third wedding I've ever been in, including my own previous wedding. Kind of shocking for as many of my friends have gotten hitched through the years. Thank God, the dress is black :)

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