Thursday, March 16, 2006

More stuff from yesterday... in stark contrast today, it was quite eventful.

There was much drama wondering if the beloved tiki bar (and only real reason to go to PAX on travel) had, in fact, burned down in a blaze on Solomon Island. This morning I am relieved to hear that it is still in tact. Toughen up your kidneys. We'll be back up in there and swingin.

The army jerseys also went up to the bay late yesterday, minus one I had expected to be available. I won't complain however since the reserve prices are obscene, imho.

Finally the paperwork I recently completed (with the anticipation of it being well received) did nothing but make me want to repeatedly smack my head off of something hard. I now officially believe that YES I know everything. This can be the only reason why I'm forced to help people with the obvious, or things they can read on their own, or ... show them how to do their job.

Today I've been in quite a daze. I was in a pretty deep part of sleep when the alarm went off and just haven't been able to shake that. Odd dreams too. But that's nothing out of the normal for me.

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