Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Old! At last my perfect vision is starting to wane. Granted, it's not bad enough to warrant glasses (yet) but it does make me pout a little. My left eye is now at 20/25 while my right remains 20/20. I guess I should count myself lucky to get to ... ahem ... this age ... before I need to start thinking glasses are in my near future. I did however get two new colors for my eyeballs! I love colored contacts.

Last evening Satin had another seizure, that's 4 since mid-October. I know it's because she's not eating and thus not taking her medicine as she should be. The not eating has started to hit an all time low as even freshly cooked ground beef and a pack of mighty dog moist food didn't even get her to eat last night. Time to go back to the vet, so we'll be heading in at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Since I was not fond of Dr. T's "bedside" manner and $300 recommendation to change her food we'll instead be seeing Dr. S. Sadly, I can't even count the number of times I've grabbed ahold of that crazy ass dog in the past two months (much to her displeasure) and made her let me hug her while I cried. When she is gone you will see a WRECK people... make that two, add Vixen to that list. I tend to say Vixen isn't as smart as Satin, but she has her moments. She's the one that came and "told" me that Satin was seizing last night. She did that once before but I didn't necessarily correlate the action to the issue. She knows.

Let's end with a good note... hockey tonight, and with the Laws none the less. I can't wait to see my buddy Jacob. Hopefully he's psyched and hopefully we'll see a good game resulting in the loss of the Reading Royals. Let's go boys!

"I was there all the time. And I wait, at your feet. -Hole"

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