Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Yesterday the lazy streak continued and I watched two movies that I have seen before, but it's been a while. I had actually forgotten how good of a movie Arlington Road is. Sometimes your paranoia is real indeed. This movie will always remind me of the days of first friday at the Westwood theatres. Changing Lanes, not as good of a story, but still a decent flick.

I was thinking some yesterday. I have a distinct memory from my childhood that was relevant. When I was younger the options in my neighborhood for kids to hang around with were usually several years younger. I remember running and playing one day when I made a comment to one of the kids (remember I'm a youngin here) to pretend something. Her mother overheard and told me that she's too old to pertend (yes PERtend). How sad is that?

I think only my ability to pretend gets me through sometimes, I employ it to this day. There are nights when left to my own internal dialog I'd never get to sleep. It's so much easier to lull myself out by creating a dream scenario in my mind. It's relaxing, it's distracting, and yes, it's pretending. Maybe that's why I'd rather stay in bed and dreamland than get up each morning. Reality never can compare with the design of a strong imagination. Is it wrong to pretend? At what age do we just start calling it delusional? Or, is it only delusional if I believe these things to be true? Thank God I remember how to pretend.

"The nightmare I build my own world to escape. -Evanescence"

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