Monday, September 26, 2005

I managed to make the most of a Monday, getting up and getting to work on time. I thought I needed to to cover some time since I had to run to the doctor today. I've never had to get things gouged out before to the point that I needed stitches. This is a disturbing pattern. Firsts this year: 1st bee sting, 1st stitches (I don't count the ones from getting my wisdom teeth out). What's next, my first broken bone? At least the needle part and all that is done with. Ick. Now to get Beff through her filling tomorrow.

The afternoon brought more fruitless attempts to make headway in what seems like unending small tasks that prevent me from getting to that tiny light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, the day wrapped up just lovely... as we noted that the reqspecs state two different things and we followed the one... well, the one that doesn't match the specs on the machines we need to deploy to. Just shoot me, ya know? Here's hoping our worries are for naught and that our efforts will deploy easily to this lower level system with little stress. We need to get one stood up by 2pm tomorrow for high-level management review. Wish me luck.

At least I got to chill by helping a co-worker learn a little bit about how to navigate Johnstown. Yes, it's a big circle and rain... lots of rain. Speaking of rain. I know why it's raining. You know how they say that when you wash your car you are guaranteeing a rain shower? Well I do have two nice clean dogs that love mud. Yeah, my fault. On that note, time to get some sleep so I'm wide awake when I fail miserably with a large audience. Woot!

"...and still you call me co-dependent. -Garbage"

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