Wednesday, April 06, 2005

So here I am three days after a snow storm after seeing 76 degrees on the thermometer on the way home. Needless to say theh windows are open.

Alright - everyone wants more about the end of season banquet. Here are some of the highlights. I've pulled my photos off the camera but have not uploaded them to shutterfly yet. When I get that done I'll add a link, I promise *smile*... well at least to SOME of the pics.

Tremblay has a shotgun. How western is that? It's even better w/ a boa. Is that a fly?
Latullippe, Gallant, Peterson, and Travato... rookies still can't dance, but they can YMCA.
The pink bandana on Bowmans head, need we say more?
Nailer fan is right, DesRochers does want to be an American idol not an All-Star - he can't stay away from that karaoke.
Canner's future is so bright he's gotta wear shades.
They forgot to hand out that one award to Reid, but we told him he won and he posed for a photo.
BK doesn't seem to remember having fun at the Christmas party.
Currie's fireplace is definitely a wood burner.
Demo really didn't like Billy's shirt.
Leiney would make a darn good cowboy but more of the Johnny Cash pursuasion.
Scally if he had a spitoon he couldn't have looked MORE like a cowboy.
PL and Marie need to go back to the jewelry store.
Billy has terrible aim even when a gun is pointed at Cass.
Collins is probably more afraid to do the train than he is of me.
Sully still won't dance, even if you call him a wimp.
Cavy as always is a fun guy.
Manzano another good hider.
Gerbe he hides better than PL... I only saw him once all night.
I hate it when people break into French. It makes one paranoid that they're talking about you. AHEM!
Beff is "you know, one of those girls that works upstairs".
See, you have it backwards... I was the one wondering how soft YOUR face was.
After how many Yuenglings Slippy can't count.
Some people can't fit in small cars.
Yes, you can feel eyes burning into your back when you're sitting at a bar.
Hopefully someone learned the lesson that if you smack my ass I'll smack yours back.
We missed you Joe Joe and Shawn!

Finally - to someone I'll never understand:
The first reaction is probably the one from the heart... the second is always from the head. It's just depressing that the very same confidence issues discussed allowed the head to go there. The act of rushing to see what you had in hand speaks legions, the fact you knew to look in private? That speaks even louder.

"Poison angel... try to take my wings away. -Winger"

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