Monday, April 11, 2005

I wasn't even going to log on to read my email tonight after coming home from helping Beff find some clothes that she wasn't swimming in. Hopefully by the end of the summer I'll need another round of smaller clothes as well.

Either way, not the point... I'm so glad I did log in. I'm SO happy for Ian Manzano and Jean DesRochers. They're to the A! No, not happy - proud. I know that sounds so "mom" of me, but I am proud of them. I cried I was so happy. Go ahead laugh.

Regardless, they've both signed try-out agreements with Bridgeport, up with Joe Tallari. I can't even begin to express how excited I am. Everyone bitches about our season here, but with us out of the playoffs the cream of our crop has risen to new levels. At least I have hockey to listen to where I'll know quite a few names. Go get'm guys. Keep making us proud.

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