Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Well my grades are in.. it was tight but I scored an A in the difficult class as well as in the other one. My record is untarnished! I NEVER had a 4.0 GPA as an undergrad, that's for sure. I can't believe I've been pulling this off through 4 classes. Back down to one class this semester so hopefully I can keep my focus through hockey season and crank out a couple more A's. I'm guessing my spring semester will have started by the time we make our NC/SC game run, so I'll probably need to travel with my class stuff and laptop in tow. We'll see.

It was a rough morning for myself and Satin. I thought I was the one that didn't want to move, rolling out of bed an hour late (but only showing up to work 15 minutes late - how slick is that?), until I saw Satin who could barely coordinate her body to the back door. They've been treating me with the smells of dog that has found something to roll in outside. Goofballs.

"Stay away, don't you invade my home. -Men at Work"

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