Friday, August 20, 2004

Happy Friday everyone! It's been a hectic two evenings... and rather odd as well, since both evenings brought me to the same place where I had never known existed prior. No you perverts - a place, not a state of mind. ;)

On Wednesday I ran with Missy to check out where she had her prom, why you ask? Because she's now hunting for a place for a wedding reception. Thursday Greg and Heather announced a new one on the way too... so all of my friends are again dropping like flies, but I digress. Yesterday I was asked to join some friends at "Breaking Legs" a play down off of Somerset Pike at the same place. The show was great but trudging home in the nasty fog, wind, and rain well into my yawning phase wasn't the highlight. Regardless I now know where the playhouse is.

Wednesday before going out I had to tend to a boo-boo (ah, a mother's work is never done). Vixen once again snagged ahold of Satin. Luckily she cut above her eye and didn't hurt her eye. A little bit of peroxide and a compress and Satin was happy again. I just keep reminding myself real children break each other's bones by pushing them out of bunk beds and can throw knives at one another. Yes, fuzzy children are preferred.

Keep your fingers crossed that we won't get rained out this evening.

"You may not recall the moment that you asked me, but your invitiation was clear. -Marillion"

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