Monday, July 19, 2004

Why is it that our society is willing to let the anti-Christ (Martha Stewart) get off so easy, but we're shocked to see the womanizing moron elected to office call someone 'girlie'?  Do I think he's an idiot - of course, but I'm not surprised by this "breaking news".  Who exactly do you people think you elected?  Just because you're banging a Kennedy that doesn't mean you're a viable candidate.  Never mind the fact that by taking broad stabs at the Democratic party is, in essence, slamming your wife's family.
Then, with Martha, like good little chimps, we all run out and buy her stock and send things flying up 37%.  What is it with the end of trials and lawsuits that sends stocks flying upward?  Tell Bubba I said hi.
Now, I also want to ask why guys - ones that I know but I'm not more than acquaintances  with feel comfortable saying pervo things in front of me like "my balls are tight" or "it gives me a boner"?  Men are twisted.
"I cannot take this anymore, saying everything I've said before. -Linkin Park"

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