Sunday, May 02, 2004

F. Ok. So that one is out. Yep, has a woman - was at the softball games, waiting in the car. Sad when my best hope is taking the advice of a friend and just waiting for the hockey team to get back... but we all know all the further something like that would go.

Dang it was cold today for the softball games. This morning it was so nice and warm, I mowed - thank goodness I didn't wait til tonight like I originally planned. Before I left the rain began, and the temps just dropped like mad. When I came back - 46 degrees. Happy May in Johnstown, ay?

Now what to do this evening. I still haven't gotten my question answered in my class, so I can't proceed any further on my paper. Hmm. Darn.

Tomorrow is vote time for the fan club. This should be interesting. I don't really know everyone there very well, but I do have a pretty good vibe as to what things might change depending on who gets into office. Insert Jeopardy music here.

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