Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Elevator man must die. While there are many perks to having a cube right by the front doors it also means I'm close to all of the noise associated with the front of the building. I can usually ignore the conversations (heaven knows it's amusing sometimes to be up to date on the internal rumors), I can even cringe and ignore the screaming brats that people insist upon bringing into this business establishment, but I can't deal with the elevator man.

The elevator maintenance door is also just over the one cube wall. When the elevator guy is here working on something he props the darn thing open. Can you say loud as hell? Do the noises made by the elevator equipment need to be pure cacophony in order to provide feedback to the repair man? I've repeatedly gone by unpropping the door across multiple visits (especially once the noise enters it's second hour) but the guy doesn't get the hint. *MUST CONTROL FIST OF DEATH - evil smile*

"And the sky was made of Amethyst -Hole"

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