Thursday, March 11, 2004

Okay, time for my discussion on the whole Bertuzzi/Moore thing. (For those unfamiliar, Todd Bertuzzi is a hockey player from the Canucks. He went after the Av's Steve Moore and ended up breaking his neck.)

Should the hockey league issue a suspension? Absolutely. Should there be a lawsuit or legal charges? Absolutely not. Here's the deal, it's what these guys do for a living. Yes, it's horrible that this happened to Moore, it could very well have ended his career, but fighting is part of the gig.

Let's look at the folks who are now suing because they worked with asbestos years ago. It's stupid to me. You CHOSE to take that job, the employers didn't know any more than you did that asbestos could cause cancer. If they determine 20 years from now that being close to monitors for extended periods of time causes some funky brain cancer will I sue? No. Why? Because that's just stupid. This is my career, I chose it, noone put a gun to my head and made me expose myself to monitor radiation.

Moore, and every other hockey player knows that when they step onto the ice they can get hurt. If this is allowed to go to these lengths the next thing you'll see is lawsuits for small injuries. Quit crying about scraped knees. We can't afford to have the NHL become legal-happy. The tickets already cost enough, the players already make enough, and the revenue is already too low to support any additional insurances etc that would be necessary if this type of junk begins to happen.

Playing a bit of devil's advocate here, since we're willing to allow stupid lawsuits, I think Bertuzzi should sue Moore's parents for breeding him with such a weak neck. *rolls eyes* And somewhere in the distance, the cry of a fat stupid woman spilling hot coffee in her crotch after being shocked to hear that McDonald's food is fattening rings out.

"Hey Bacchus, she hates me. -Type O Negative"

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