Tuesday, March 02, 2004

As promised, a little bit about the movies I checked out this past weekend. First, Big Fish. I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. It had a few good laughs, and a pretty cool story... the odd thing for me is liking a movie that I could take my mother to without her not understanding why they have to use that 'F' word.

The later movie was The Passion of the Christ. I simply don't understand what the big stink in the media has been. Was it accurate... uh, yeah. Did the Jews crucify Christ... well, yeah, but do they jew-bash? Absolutely not. Besides, the only way that could have been done to look like they weren't bashing Jews was to re-write the story. I do admit that it was a little gruesome - this coming from a horror film fanatic. It wasn't so much the blood and gashes that were gruesome, but it was the awareness that here's this guy, who died for me. This is what he went through - right there, in my face. Yes, I cried. But I'm a crier. :P

Ok, so I've not been to the movies much lately - I'm falling behind. Maybe I'll get to see the latest Lord of the Rings movie, and Miracle someday soon. Heck, Jersey Girl (the next View Askew installment) comes out later this month too!

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