Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Girl seemed to be doing well mid-day yesterday but then her eyes started to tear again and looked red.  Looking online for guidance I pulled out the lubricating eye drops I had in our emergency medical supplies and gave her a warm compress.  I called her pediatrician late in the afternoon to see if I should take her in somewhere (concerned about pink eye) and learned that this is basically what has been going around and that it is likely to come and go in waves.  I also learned that I took the right action on the eyes, so that's reassuring.  They also advocated for ibuprofen rather than acetaminophen (tylenol), which was fortunately available via the nearest Walgreens.  I guess since the fever was low enough I needed to let it ride.  I also snagged some ear drops as I noticed this gap in my emergency supplies after a neighbor highlighted this symptom as an issue she was having in her household.

I post all of this to spread the word in some capacity.  Either way, she was 110% herself at bed time last night and seemed a-ok this morning, so off to school she went.  I'm hoping we don't ride the roller coaster the pediatrician's office warned me of, but I guess we'll see.

As for me, I have a dentist appointment today.  Wish me luck.

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