Monday, May 06, 2024

The prognosis is depressing.  We got into the vet this morning.  The terramycin was a good action to have taken, but not one that changed our path.  I saw a tinge of red in the weeping/goo today - but it was less goo, so I had hoped for better.  Our vet is not an optimological specialist, but she indicated a corneal perforation - basically an eye rupture.

We could gone to emergency care as it would be a long time to get into specialists, but nothing would help her sight in the right eye at this point.  At nearly 16 1/2 and 34 lbs anything they would try to do would likely involve anesthesia which is just too much for her.  We will instead treat for pain (although she seems to be reasonably comfortable other than it being easy to tell she cannot see on that side) and inflammation, ensure we don't have infection, and allow for healing of the active issue.

What caused it is unknown - it could have been an injury (I'm thinking Zero being a doof and catching her with his teeth as he does on us sometimes) or bumping into something and honestly I'm hoping that's the case, because it could also be a growth behind the eye causing pressure.  Not the near mother's day gift I wanted.

I should also note that we learned that my brother's memorial will be happening on the 9th in Nevada.

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