Sunday, March 10, 2024

Hey internet, be proud of me.  I have made some progress with 'deep cleaning' here at the house.  It isn't something the average person would see if they visited, but it makes me feel so much better.  In the past few days I have emptied all of the top cabinets and two of the lower cabinets (including the deep one that runs alongside the dishwasher), wiped down the shelves, and reorganized/inventoried/purged as I put things away.  The sink cabinet was done when we changed out the faucet.

My cabinets are always full full, but there is definitely breathing room now.  I still need to do the following lower cabinets:  tupperware and bagged snacks, the coffee/tea/booze cabinet, and the island cabinet which is my pots/pans and Avery's easy to grab snacks.

It snowed again today.  Just a dusting that disappeared and now it is dusting again.  Fortunately, I went to Church last night or I would have been angry when I remembered that we changed the clocks.  After cathecism I took to making a batch of Easter bread.  It's my Mom's recipe, but not one I've ever tried making.  I am notorious for bread not wanting to rise for me. I left it sit for 30-40 minutes each time,on top of a heated stove, and still it didn't puff like I would have expected.  It is a bit denser than hers was.  It tastes ok, it just isn't how I remember it.  I also made some quick meatballs and buccatini (per request from Avery).  Anyone else noticing that the ground beef seems to be all water?  Are they injecting it like they do chicken?  Man the meatballs shriveled up.  Literal shrink-flation.

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