Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Today I am feeling old and pensive.  If it was still a thing for me, I'd think I was pms-y.  I discovered (by accident) of someone's passing (a year and a half ago) - it's a meaningful person from the past, so that has me bummed, moreso to think about how long ago it was that I could say I really knew them.

Work is in a state we used to stress through on a regular basis.  If you've ever been in a place where you feel pretty sure you're okay but you aren't 100% sure -- and you know that others may not be... well it weighs on me.

This evening in the car a song that the frat bros had on constant rotation my junior year was on the radio.  Avery recognized it - something from school that used it - and she asked me if I knew that song.  Boy it took me back to a time, a place, and all kinds of feelings.

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