Sunday, September 18, 2022

This weekend our town has Pennsylvania Bavarian Oktoberfest going on, so we had to go down yesterday and have a little fun.  I adored riding fair rides and playing fair games when I was a kid, so I'll cough up the cash for Avery to get the same experience.  It was nice, but it's still pretty stinking hot right now, so I came home feeling like a salt lick.

Yesterday was also Avery's second day of the new year of dance (acro) and she said she enjoyed it, so that's a win.

Today I got my rear in gear and finally found some beets (which were more expensive than I'd like to admit) so I could make another batch of pickled eggs and beets - for canning!  I officially need more medium sized ball jars.  I also want to make a small batch of limeade and chicken gnocchi soup today, but for now I am sitting and relaxing for a minute.

I really need to do some cleaning and get the rest of the Halloween out too.  I suddenly feel guilty for sitting for a minute.

On other news, our Mama Marigold may very well be adopted and heading to her forever home very soon.  I am very excited for her.  I really kind of expected the kittens to go first and Mama to linger a little while simply because she wasn't a baby.

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