Sunday, December 27, 2020

Christmas was pretty quiet.  We mixed up a french toast casserole on Christmas eve so we were ready to go in the morning.  Since our company bowed out we had leftovers.  Surprisingly we slept in a bit and then opening gifts took a little while, but Avery helped get everyone's attended to, including Saffy's.

Since my favorite egg neglected to bring the cut of meat he wanted to make I instead made a turkey breast that I had bought and various sides.  It wasn't the big to do that Thanksgiving was, but it was definitely larger than a Sunday meal (Mom always did a bigger/nicer meal for Sunday).

I had boiled down the carcass, getting the last of the meat off, so today I made a turkey rice soup that turned out pretty nice. I also got motivated digging in the freezer and started a batch of pasta sauce.  I didn't want to make a grocery run, so it will be light on onion.  I also pulled a bunch of frozen ground beef which I am cooking up in non-meatball form to add to the sauce.  I dunno why frozen meat tends to bother me so much.  I smell it, and it just doesn't smell like fresh.  It doesn't smell bad, but it leaves me leery.  Getting those things addressed made space in the freezer at least to restock it with said sauce.  I didn't even use all of the tomatoes I had in there - that tells you how productive the plants were this year!  I probably should have put a pack or two of the hamburger meat back in the freezer too.  Maybe the last ones need to finish defrosting in the fridge and become taco meat instead.

Needing to work with a kid here at home at least I'll have some food ready, coupled with leftovers, to get through the week.

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