Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Holy moly what happened to October? Either way I am glad that we are almost to the point where the robo calls, text messages, and incessant political ads will come to a halt.  Let the news of cities on fire begin, right?

Halloween was nice - the weather was way better than last year and Avery had a blast.  Avery had her dinosaur costume for the school parade, which narrowly avoided the rain since it was outside this year.  For the neighborhood she rocked a Zero the dog costume we pulled together at the 11th hour - after my sister finished crocheting the most awesome zero hat for her.

My sister and niece were in for nearly two weeks, so I was running at about 50% for work.  During that timeframe our other sister also came out.  My house was full and busy!  I didn't get enough of a mental break though, so I am sitting here wiped out at the moment.  I prb doesn't help that I committed myself to a fast today.  The headache is real - despite allowing myself my allotment of caffeine this morning.

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