Friday, September 04, 2020

This is Halloween, this is Halloween!  It will NOT be cancelled.  If they try, we riot.  Oh wait... I guess it's too late for that to be shocking.

It is official.  It has begun.  Last night after I picked Avery up we went on a shopping run.  I needed some more bottled water, so I had a need to go to Big Lots, but I made the haul on a Thursday because I know they're getting their Halloween goodies in.  We hit Big Lots, and Target, and Hobby Lobby, and Home Depot!

I started following a YouTuber who posts all about her trips around shopping for Halloween decor.  She does some of the most beautiful setups and has a lovely gothy style.  I blame her for putting me in the mindset.  Avery on the other hand can totally blame me.  She didn't want to wear the shirt I had pulled out for her this morning and I told her to get something else out.  In response she grabbed her sequined ghostie shirt.

Since we're both geared up we pulled things out from the basement this evening and started planning/plotting.  I also discovered the bag of cut outs I made her last year (a pumpkin, a ghost, and a frankenstein moster head with various cut out eyes, mouths, etc to configure), so we spent some time this evening playing with those as well.

Aside and totally off topic:  When you get a notice that a package will be arriving soon and have no idea what it could be.  Then you click in to see who it is from and think "geez, I forgot I even ordered that" because it's been so long since you did so that you forgot about it.  I'm talking to you Tupperware.  You charged my card on July 25, it's September.  SHAMEFUL that you have the nerve to charge shipping.  You could have walked it here by now.

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