Sunday, April 05, 2020

This weekend was the first one I felt like I did something 'extra'.  You know, the stuff most normal people would achieve given the circumstances, but I can't easily do when doing the whole job thing and Mom thing - at least not without loosing sleep.

I gave myself Saturday off since I had my hours in for last week.  It was what I needed to get a little bit of oomph today.  My accomplishments today, in addition to getting some work time in, includes making some deviled eggs, going through Avery's clothes to pull stuff that is too small and to prepare new clothes that should fit now and into the warmer weather, vacuuming upstairs, two loads of laundry (they're even away), a nice palm sunday meal with slow cooker pork roast, mashed potatoes, and corn casserole.  That's no where near enough, but I feel good about it - so yay me.

Tonight I've lost most of the evening trying to checkout on Giant Eagle to get my next food order lined up.  I snagged a slot right after 8 but wasn't able to get it to check out, so at 9:30 (yep I tried for the full hour and a half) I lost my slot.  Looping back around I grabbed another slot - surely one someone else lost due to a similar issue - and I've been trying to check out since. It gets to the point where it validates my credit card and then it sits, spinning.  In about 20 minutes I'll lose this slot too.  How long do I keep trying?

I admit, I really want the ham that is in that cart.  I know I don't need ham for next Sunday to be Easter, but I sure want that little salty slice of normalcy.

It's weird here without Dani.  Getting to bed is faster, there is less cleaning up messes, but that too has a sadness to it.  Saffy is definitely down.  She hasn't eaten much.  We've been cuddling in bed for a little while each night - just like the old days.  I need it as much as she does.

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