Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Say a prayer for Dani.  Right at dinner time she started struggling to get up/move between rooms.  This has happened, I won't say frequently, but I've often seen her struggle to stand up - banging into the French doors to get leverage, etc.  I tried to get her to just chill but she kept trying and tuckered herself out tonight.

As she finally decided to just stay still, probably because she couldn't fight more this came some whines/moans and heavy breathing.  I tried carrying her outside and she couldn't stand much less pee even with my support.

I have her set up with a bed out in the kitchen near the water in case she does manage to regain enough strength overnight to move and wants some water.  I've been dreading needing to decide for her, but especially now in the midst of all of this.  Ugh.

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