Monday, December 09, 2019

Yesterday I spotted something small on the floor.  I gave it a nudge and it didn't feel like a clump of dirt or something (which often falls from Saffy's feet because she's naughty and keeps trying to dig).  I picked it up in a tissue and looked closer (pull out the readers).  It's another tick.  GAH!

It was just laying on the floor in the entryway.  What's up with that?  Clearly it came off of a dog (probably Saf since Dani doesn't wander much of the yard) and was full.  It didn't seem to be moving/alive.  Needless to say I applied another dose of biospot on the dogs.  It makes my skin crawl wondering how many others I've missed that are in my carpet etc.  I don't feel others on the dogs.  C'mon super cold weather, please kill them off.

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