Friday, August 30, 2019

Feeling a little too disenchanted.  I'm trying to make progress on current tasks but the silence is deafening.  I need more than a long weekend right now, I need a vacation.  Our last one was April.  On one hand that was only 4 months ago, on the other hand it feels like an eternity.

On another note, I found a snake skin out in the back yard flowers today.  I was taking a few minutes over lunch to weed when I spotted it.  I've looked around enough to assure myself it was nothing venomous, so I have no issue with him, but I'm sure he'd scare the hell out of me if I saw him. Information online leads me to believe we had a Northern Racer, but I also found a website for a snake guy that said "email me!  I'll identify your snake for free." so we'll see what he thinks.

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