Sunday, October 19, 2014

I did it.  I finished my 5k.  Note I didn't say first 5k, the implication is only.  I didn't quite run the whole thing like I had hoped.  After mile marker 2 there was a longer slightly uphill climb w/ a steady wind straight in our faces that prompted me to walk for what I counted off as 60 seconds.  Other than that - I ran it.  I still came in just under where I anticipated time wise, so I would suspect that having everyone around me did push me to go faster/harder than I would on my own, so I'm giving myself the grace of calling this goal accomplished despite the little bit of walking.

It really is a humbling and empowering activity.  As expected, no sooner did I pass mile marker 1, there were people headed back in the other direction.  You know there are people with amazing running times, but it really hits you when you see them pass you the other direction.  The empowering part was passing quite a few people and finishing ahead of QUITE a few that you'd expect (by sight alone) to be way better/faster/stronger than you are.  I thank the people who cheered for each and every single one of as we passed and offered words of encouragement.  It really did help me push.

I did find it entertaining that after the 2nd mile I caught up with a guy in a red hoody, he was probably a little younger than me, his calves quite shapely - he was in good shape.  I'd pass him when he took to walking, and then he'd run to pass me again.  In my head I laughed and assumed he had a distaste for being passed by a still somewhat jiggly girl.

Legs are a little sore today, I suspect they'll be worse tomorrow, but I did it.  As soon as I'm feeling better I need to get back to the regular workouts and take off a couple more pounds.  Then I can commit to putting away the jeans that are a little too loose and buy more smaller ones.

After my race I headed to the burgh to see my favorite Egg.  He remembered my affection for Outback and treated me to a steak dinner to celebrate.  We also got half way through season six of Parks and Rec.  It was a good weekend.  So good, in fact, I forgot there was a new episode of Walking Dead tonight until I got home and saw the ad for it!

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