Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day 4 away from work:  I've gotten so much done this weekend not only are the decorations up for the holidays, but some cleaning is done along with the dishes and clothes.  I've cooked delightful meals and treats.  I've relaxed.  I've gotten the fuzzy butts running around.  I've gotten through some magazines that have been laying around and I have designs on finishing my current book before I go to bed tonight.

Do I need to actually say It's been a fantastic extra long weekend?  Well it has, but as always the knowledge that I have to go back to that place tomorrow is setting back in.  I can't tell you how jealous I am at times of the women who have found their perfection at home with kids and someone who loves them.  Yes, it gives me heartburn to see the perfection of others all over facebook, to the point that I've had to unfriend people because of the distress it brings me, but worse still the ones who deny it.  I have two instances that come to mind.

The first is a friend who posted looking for someone else to sign their kid up a special class so they had someone to talk to while it was going on.  Without thinking I offered the thought from my own heart that it sounds like the perfect time to catch up on reading, to which the response came "I have plenty of time for reading during the day."

The second was a friend who seemingly randomly posted "I want a kid." on facebook to replies from friends who told her to "be careful what you wish for", flippantly saying "you can have mine", or highlighting how expensive they are.

Both instances made me so angry.  None of you even see what you have.  But you'll quickly tell us how it's not all roses.  Really?  The same things that other friends have called "the greatest love" and "the best thing they've ever done" and you are so quick to dismiss someone else's desire to get to feel that?  Just rediculous.

Trust me, if you get to be at home be it so busy you have no time for anyone (as some of my friends have stated) or able to leisurely read and get 'bored' know someone would gladly have a glimpse into that life.  It also makes some of us that know if we DID get to have kids we wouldn't get to be the super mom very angry.  Nope, some of us wouldn't get to go on the field-trips or be there when the bus arrives because we have to work... because no one else will take care of us but us.  So take a minute before you respond and realize how much you're dismissing as common and bland in your reply.

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