Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oh my. It's almost midnight... what a long evening. I even left work on time! I've been putting off a full lawn mow to give my college-going mower plenty of time to study for finals. Alas, my grass didn't stop growing, so the front was needing some tending. Of course the mower wouldn't start, I was not surprised, but still pissed off at it. Plus, why can they not make a gas container that doesn't drip and leak when you're pouring gas? So then I said frell it, I'm weed wacking the front yard. Yeah, baby. About 30 seconds into it the weed eater was out of cord. Fortunately, I did have some here and after a short hunt it was easy to install and I was back to it. From there a shower while dinner cooked (I had some meat that needed cooked).

I didn't get to the pre-vacation cleaning I had hoped to do. Ah well, it'll get done at some point. I was running about most of the evening trying to close out a show which of course had a couple orders for chelles that went out of stock today *grr* I need to get back up choices ... but more importantly, I need to get shows closed out the day of the show or darn near. Lesson learned... again and again. There was also much hunting for things that are rarely used and thus put "away". This loosely translates to hidden from myself.

Time to curl up with the fuzzy ones. Ahhh, bed.

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